Improve Management of Your Mobile Worker’s Work for Better Customer Service
Driven by increasingly demanding customer expectations, field service businesses must deliver unfailingly high levels of customer satisfaction—a detailed and costly proposition for organizations with complex operations. Field service businesses face the challenges of:
To compete on the basis of a world-class quality of experience for customers, field service businesses must optimize their operational expenditure through highly efficient and agile field service resources that offer more than simply dispatch software.
@Road Field Service Management solutions, including @Road Taskforce and the @Road Dynamic Capacity Management Suite, help service providers meet these challenges by delivering a high quality, cost-managed dynamic scheduling service to their customers at the right time, the first time. The Taskforce product line provides companies with a unified, up-to-the-minute view across their field service resource network so they can effectively synchronize resources to achieve their field service goals.
Taskforce is more than dispatch software—it allows field service providers to deconstruct the service delivery lifecycle to ensure the intelligent and automated application of information and resources across their organization. It enables a consistent, predictable, reliable and repeatable customer experience from commitment to the customer, through to delivery of field service.
The @Road Dynamic Capacity Management Suite adds to the functionality of Taskforce with products that help companies plan, control and schedule high priority work against available capacity.
@Road Field Service Management solutions include:
Trimble Taskforce
- Flagship @Road Field Service Management application
@Road Dynamic Capacity Management Suite
- Includes Capacity Planner, Capacity Controller and Intelligent Appointer
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